
Welcome to the Sustainable Oban blog where you can post your thoughts and answers to developing and improving the sustainability of Oban and its environs.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Scallop dredging – Mark Carter replies to David Fraser

In reply to David Fraser’s letter [received from Mark Carter on 17 Dec 2010]

The interest in fishing – and in particular scallop dredging – has been lifted out into the public arena and for that I am grateful.

I would also like to thank David Fraser for his view from a fisherman's angle, and for the constructive way in which he has delivered it.

All too often when dealing with some of the fishing associations, we are left with the feeling of achieving nothing, of being bullied. At some of the meetings that I have attended I observed time-wasting tactics, tactics that are renewed when new chairpersons are in place, resulting in old ground being covered again, and again – a little like scallop dredging.

David raises some good points which need to be addressed. But here we have a dilemma: the subject matter is vast, there are numerous differing opinions and – most of all – we still do not fully understand all of the ecosystem interactions. We do, however, know how important they are, not only to the environment but in turn to us as individuals.

David and I have some similar ideas and thoughts. The way forward could be over a beer or even in a public debate? I’m open to these ideas as long as the meeting is constructive.

I have every faith in David’s approach, and respect for his views but, having experienced the actions of some of some in the industry, I’m always cautious.

For now, let me reply to a few points raised by David Fraser:

• “Getting involved and meetings”:

Here we are in complete agreement: the number of meetings, consultations, conferences etc is nothing more than overwhelming, exhausting, more than any normal individuals can cope with.
One thing is very true: these meetings need to be attended and not – as so often seen – limited to a few.
We are all stakeholders, fish are a public resource, management meetings should/must be open and accountable.

Fishing gear:
As a former blacksmith I’m always interested in comments regarding the construction of fishing gear; spring-loaded tooth bars, wheels etc. It is always difficult when writing in general to cover all designs like the locally used Newhaven Dredge, but one matter remains: dragging heavy metal structures over delicate, vulnerable seabed species can only result in one outcome: destruction.

I’ve never suggested that scallop fishermen would actively search out rocky reefs in order to drag expensive gear over them. However, advancements in gear construction and electronic wizardry enables fishing to take place right next to, or right on top of these rocky reefs, some of which have been protected as in the Firth of Lorn. It is these advancements that allow for “mistakes” to occur without causing major damage to gear – while some of the species on the reefs may face a different fate.

I have dived and I do hold a diving qualification; but I would not consider myself a diver as suggested. I have, however, studied marine science and water flows from several different perspectives. It is not plausible to compare wave and or storm action, and the raising of sediments or re-sedimentation as it is known to scallop dredging. Far more factors come into play – including bathometry, morphology, amphidomes, the Coriolis effect and interference in short tides, underwater mountains, depth and fetch.

• “Misconception” regarding scallop dredgers:
There is much evidence showing the effects of scallop dredging, from side-scan sonars' to divers' photographic records. As for whether this is considered “damaging”, I’m not going to go over old ground, but I too have friends that are scallop divers and they are united in their opinion regarding the damage done by the dredge.

• “[Scallops have been] stripped by other divers”:

The inference here is that divers are responsible for the decline in the Firth of Lorn. We could get into the “chicken and egg” situation regarding dredge versus diver and responsibility, but just one point: divers don’t do the same – if any – level of habitat damage.

• Isle of Man:

I, too, love the Isle of Man. I have family living there, although I cannot afford to go regularly enough to join a golf club! The Manx government does appear to be leaps and bounds ahead of the UK in terms of protecting its waters, even when under bullying pressure from the Scottish Minister regarding the scallop fisheries. With a 100-fold increase in scallop biomass, what more proof do we need that closing areas WORKS???

Those interested can find more information here:
http://www.arrancoast.com/symp_pdf/isle_of_man_mpas.pdf (a presentation recently given by the Isle of Man government Representative at the Arran Conference)
http://www.isleofman.com/index.aspx (type "scallops" into the internal web search)

• Sustainability:

I have always said that the term “sustainability” needs to be defined, and David's comment, “This whole business cycle is based on a natural resource which rejuvenates every year, and is therefore SUSTAINABLE”, proves this. Such activities only suggest that nature's resilience has enabled nature to cope with pressures to date. In fact, some data would suggest otherwise.

•“Fisheries of last resort”:

The comment, “I firmly believe that areas benefit from being fished and then left to regenerate. Scallop fishing does not wipe out fish stocks, nor crab stocks, nor lobster, nor prawn”, is worrying. It fails to address the bigger picture, that of “keystone” species, or “K”-select and “R”-select species: part of what we do understand about marine ecosystems is that keystone species may be pivotal within their environment; removal may cause major damage to the entire current ecosystem.

“K”-select – I call them the “Constants” – provide for a diverse, stable system. “R”-select species are unwanted ones that go "Rampant" and are capable of rushing into a devastated region and re-colonise it, altering the status quo.

Finally, what about the cod, the herring – need I go on? It has been said that fishing prawns and crabs is “last resort”. If we continue as we have, what’s going to be left? plankton and jellyfish?

• Re-introduction of the “Three Mile Limit":

This concept is not new, it is a “re-"introduction. What did the mobile sector do pre–1984? Fishing continued.

"Ten-metre boats and gales":
With modern technology, few inshore fishermen need be caught out even if outside a three-mile limit. Mobile fishing vessels tend to be powerful; three miles at ten knots takes just 18 minutes – usually plenty of time to retreat from any gales – and some vessels will be able to go faster. Even those that can only achieve 6 knots would be in sheltered waters within half an hour.

• “Chase us out of our own backyard”:

Personally, I have never had any intention to chase anyone out of their own “backyard”. Yet it is this concept of “ours” that could be at the root of the problem as it is not “your" backyard: we all own the fish stocks; we all have rights to fish; and we all are the guardians of our future, of the kind of legacy we leave to coming generations.

See also:
C.O.A.S.T. – December 2010 Newsletter, Damage limitation
The recent ‘scallop war’ between the Manx and Scottish governments is fundamentally a battle of credibility. And a quick look at recent political events demonstrates there is one clear loser.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Scallop Harvesting, post no. 3

Hi there
The following came in on 9 Dec 2010 from COAST - Community of Arran Seabed Trust

It is part of C.O.A.S.T. Newsletter #9 - Scallops and damage limitation

This [was] sent to Scotland's coastal communities, policy-makers and decision-makers. Please leave a comment at the end of this post to get in touch or to recommend other readers.

Damage limitation

The recent 'scallop war' between the Manx and Scottish governments is fundamentally a battle of credibility. And a quick look at recent political events demonstrates there is one clear loser.

A genuine window of hope opened when the old Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department was dismantled in 2007. A new approach to managing Scotland’s sea-based resources was firmly on the cards, as restructuring by the SNP paved the way for Marine Scotland - a dedicated branch of the Environment Directorate.

There was already momentum behind that 'wind of change'. Just a few months before, in 2006, C.O.A.S.T.'s long-standing proposals for a marine protected area were being discussed alongside plans for Clyde-wide scallop management as proposed by the Clyde Fishermans’ Association in the forum of the Environment and Rural Affairs committee. It seemed that things were moving in the right direction and fishermen’s representatives were on the way to taking some hard decisions that would protect the industry’s future and the health of the Clyde.

Indeed the Clyde Fisherman’s Association seemed proud of the idea of a marine protected area and actively supported reduced scallop effort. But scallop fisheries management was never going to be simple and, within four years, that momentum had regrettably stalled.

It is now 2010. Next month will be the second anniversary of the Clyde IFG. Wider area control is not even on the IFG table. Gear restriction is being 'considered,' but nothing is happening. Something as simple as increasing the minimum landing size of Scallops in the Clyde has been delayed by protracted discussions, with progress dependent on the outcome of an Economic Impact Assessment commissioned by the Scallop Working Group. Any measures to actually change fishing effort and practices to conserve one of the few remaining stocks in the Clyde are still at the drawing-board stage, held up in meetings where words fly without action.

So when Scottish scallop boats complained last month that they were being 'discriminated against' by virtue of a conservation-minded by-law that excluded large dredging vessels from Isle of Man inshore waters, the Scottish government should surely have bravely respected their Manx counterpart's painful, but progressive stance. After all, scallop management was something Scottish fishermen had wanted to achieve for their own waters for years.

Instead, the Scottish response was one of bullying indignation. The fishing restriction was portrayed as crude protectionism based on piecemeal science, the damaging impact of dredging on the seabed left unmentioned.

It is not just enough to point out what the Scottish Government would have said if the shoe had been on the other foot. To attack another jurisdiction's enviably forward-thinking conservation measure is both tragic and a public-relations disaster. The 'scallop war' indicates the Isle of Man is 20 years ahead in the sustainable management of its marine resource. And meanwhile, the reputation of Scottish political and industry representatives took an inter-agency, indeed international, nose-dive that will take a great deal of work to restore. Clyde scallop management is about damage limitation in more ways than one.

Both our immediate and European neighbours are often told how the Scottish fishing fleet leads the way in conservation measures, but the kneejerk attack on the Isle of Man puts this in context. It exposes a status quo where little has changed since the days of SEERAD, as sustainability measures are still ignored in favour of the short-term extraction of a resource.

It is an unsustainable approach and until there is more urgent action, C.O.A.S.T. will explore all legal channels to ensure there is a Clyde fishing industry for future generations.

C.O.A.S.T. wishes its members and newsletter readers a very merry Christmas and a sustainable (marine) New Year.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

More food for the debate on scallop harvesting (post no 2)

Dear all

The debate continues and your blogger, for one, is learning so much. Methinks we will need to have a public meeting to share visual material and knowledge, insights and ideas.

For now, here's the next contribution – items in angular brackets have been inserted by Margaret Powell-Joss, your blogger.

Is Scallop dredging Sustainable?

by David Ainsley

In his recent posting, D[.F.] states that he is fishing the same grounds that he fished 30 years ago and making a profit. He argues that this means that he is fishing sustainably – but he has not considered the damage that dredging causes to seabed communities and the evidence of declining scallop spawning stock biomass and recruitment.

Scottish scallop landings by UK vessels have risen from less than 2000 tonnes in 1974 to around 8-10,000 tonnes from 1994 to 2008. The 2008 figures are about 10% down from the peak.

The spawning stock biomass was just over 5000 tonnes in this area (North West management area) in 1999 but in 2007 – the last year for which figures are available – the SSB was at the lowest historic level of just over 1000 tonnes.

Both West coast of Scotland scallop management areas are shown in red on the chart on the report as spawning stock biomass and recruitment are declining [ref (1)].

But measurements of spawning stock biomass only go back to 1981. We know that seabed communities have been subject to damage by steam trawlers since the 1870’s – dredging started much later. In order to decide how healthy a stock is, we need to know what the historic stocks were before fishing began.

One way to do this is to look at all the old records, and the book The Unnatural History of the Sea by Prof. [Callum] Roberts takes this approach [ref (2)]. One scientific study estimates that only 10% of the fish swim in European waters that were present in the year 1900. But by 1900 stocks had already been industrially fished, so the real figure may be 5%.

Another approach is to close areas to fishing and monitor what happens to stocks. By 2006, the first Isle of Man closed area, protected for 20 years, had scallop biomass levels at more than 60 times those shown prior to protection [ref (3)]. Stocks have since continued to increase. There is strong evidence that this has led to greater returns from adjacent fishing grounds.

So catches remain high, but spawning stock biomass and recruitment are at dangerously low levels.

Why has this happened? There are a number of reasons:-

- In the early days, solid dredges were used in open areas like Luce bay. The solid dredges gave way to Newhaven dredges with spring-loaded tooth bars designed to work rough ground. This, combined with advances in electronics, allowed boats to work previously un-fished grounds.

- In the old days Decca was used for navigation. It relied on a land-based signal and, like mobile phones, there were many areas where it didn’t work well. Now we have stunningly accurate GPS, plotters, side-scan sonar, 3-D echo-sounders, systems such as Roxanne, which reveal very bit of suitable ground, allowing all those little bits nobody knew about before to be fished out. Scientists call it technological creep - in recent years it has been more of a technological gallop.

The scale of the ecosystem damage is obvious to those of us who have dived here [in the Firth of Lorn and further along the West coast of Scotland] over the last thirty years. Until the mid-eighties we never used to see sea-beds damaged by dredgers, but – as technology improved over the years – the dredgers worked right up to (and sometimes over) the reefs. It is now difficult to find a piece of seabed suitable for dredging that has not been dredged. To find such areas, you need to go to Norway, where they do not dredge and have miles of mussel beds and other healthy sea-beds, supporting healthy ecosystems – if anybody is interested, I have film to show this.

Dredged sea-beds are less efficient as settlement areas for small scallops and as nursery areas for fish. Thus dredging affects fish stocks and, by association, the porpoise, dolphins, seals and whales which feed on them.

What scientists call the Alee effect applies: as scallop spawning stock biomass declines, the individuals left become generally spaced further apart. There comes a point at which the individuals are so far apart that the gametes rarely meet, and recruitment declines, as is the case now.

As David [Frazer] correctly pointed out, the recent closed areas in the Isle of Man were closed with the participation and support of the fishermen. This is because they can see that having closed areas works to restore stocks. A survey in the Isle of Man showed that 85% of respondents are in favour – or strongly in favour – of Marine Protected Areas. There has also been huge support for the Marine Conservation Society’s campaigns, Your Seas Your Voice and Marine Reserves Now.

There is a legally established Public Right to Fish, and it follows that the public have a right to require that their fish stocks are fished in a sustainable way. If the damage caused by dredging happened on the side of the road where people could see it, there would be an outcry. People are now becoming aware of the state of the seabed and fish stocks.

We currently have an unfair situation where the very large percentage of the owners of the stocks who wish to have areas closed to allow fish and shellfish stocks to regenerate currently have only 0.006% of UK seas fully protected.

Dredgers are decent people. But if there had never been dredging, there would almost certainly be opportunities for other fisheries, and the seabed would be much healthier, as in Norway.

The Firth of Lorne is closed to dredging, but divers – who harvest scallops without damaging the seabed – can still operate. If an area were closed to all fishing, scallop stocks could rebuild and seed other areas, as happens in the Isle of Man.

Ref (1) Steven Keltz, Nick Bailey (Sarah Heath, ed), Fish and Shellfish Stocks, Crown copyright, 2010. marinescotland science. pp63-66. [link takes you to pdf version for download]

Ref (2) Callum Roberts, The Unnatural History of the Sea: The Past and Future of Humanity and Fishing (Gaia Thinking), Washington/Covelo/London: Shearwater Books/Island Press, 2007.

Ref (3) BD & JS Beuchars-Steward, Principles for the Management of Inshore Scallop Fisheries Around the UK, 2007. [link takes you to quickview of pdf document]

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

LORN Xmas Market in Benderloch, Dec 2010

Hello again

Check out this video presenting the fantastic local market organised by LORN – Local Origins Rural Network. It's about twenty minutes' drive north of Oban on the west coast of Scotland. High praise is due to chief string puller, Jill Bowis, and her great team of co-pullers, including Mairi Stones, felt craftswoman and talented artist:


Next market, if you're in the area:
Thursday, 16 December, 2010, 10am-3pm and 5pm-8pm
Victory (village) Hall, Benderloch by Oban, PA37 ... – car park just past the hall, off the A828: turn right into Keil Gardens (after the bus stop), then right again into the car park.
Well worth a visit!

PS: If you're interested in receiving updates on all things LORN, please click here and sign up: http://lorncommunity.ning.com – see you there :)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

A debate on scallop harvesting (post no 1): Charles Clover, David Fraser

Charles Clover, The Scalping of Scotland in the Scallop War (Sunday Times, 7 Nov 2010)

News in on 12 November 2010:
Good news for porpoise!!!
It has just been decided that the tangle-net fishery off the West Coast of Scotland (ICES area) is to remain closed for the foreseeable future - the position will be reviewed in Jan 2013.

And a footnote from the other side:
"[… Are you] aware that many of the Isle of Man fishing boats move into our waters while the Irish Sea is closed? Obviously they must be mad fishing in our marine desert for the summer!
I should also point out that the closed areas are not necessarily permanent and may be re-opened when required. They were in fact agreed upon and suggested by the fishing fleet, unlike the ill-advised closure of our own Firth of Lorne.
I have had a successful year fishing in exactly the same places as 30 years ago, returning small scallops alive to catch next year and if that's not sustainable, I don't know what is! […]"
David Fraser, "proven sustainable scallop fisherman and dealer in facts"

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

An open email on Scallop and Tangle Net fishery management

David Ainsley sent this open letter on 10 Nov 2010 to Richard Lochhead, MSP, Jim Mather, MSP, and Kenneth Gibson, MSP:

Dear Cabinet Secretary,

I refer to the article in the Sunday Times 07.11.10 by Charles Clover [The Scalping of Scotland in the Scallop War]. In this article he expresses concern at "how unhealthily close the Scottish Nationalist administration is to the most over-capitalised, destructive and irresponsible parts of the fishing industry".
The Isle of Man is a model for how fisheries should be managed. It has a network of closed areas to allow scallop stocks to rebuild themselves after years of overfishing. The first closed area has been in place for 20 years and is produces 100 times the number of young scallops per unit area as compared with adjacent fished areas. The closed areas have been seen to be so successful that there are now six of them, designated with the support and involvement of the local fishing industry.
By contrast Scotland's fisheries are poorly managed, with nomadic fleets of dredgers moving into an area, causing a great deal of damage and then repeating the process elsewhere.
It is no surprise that the Isle of Man Administration seeks to protect its waters from some of these boats, as no doubt we would if the positions were reversed.
Voters are becoming aware of the problems caused by overfishing and media attention on the subject will continue to increase.
The loss of fish and shellfish is now so obvious, it is no longer credible to deny that a major problem exists.
Scottish Government represents the interests of all the people of Scotland, who have a public right to fish, and hence a right to call for their fish stocks to be managed sustainably. These interests are not the same as the vested interests of the fishing associations which disproportionately represent the damaging towed gear sector.
Last year at the CFP [EU Common Fisheries Policy] meetings in Brussels, there was a move by Scottish Government to call for the reopening of the tangle net fishery off the West Coast of Scotland. The fishery had been closed as one of the measures under the Cod Recovery Plan. The decision was for the fishery to remain closed and to be reviewed in 12 to 18 months. The inshore fishery targets Crawfish, a heavily overfished species. It also produces high levels of by-catch of porpoise and seals. It is probable that the majority of Scottish voters would not be in support of the reopening of a fishery which earns nobody a living and kills porpoise and seals.
I attach fuller information on the subject [David Ainsley's report: Scottish Porpoise under threat – see below].
Please keep me informed of when the subject will be considered again, and what the Scottish Government position will be.
It is not just fisheries, but the entire ecosystem including iconic wildlife and hence tourism, which flourish when areas are protected.

Yours faithfully,

[MPJ comments: diver, underwater nature explorer, author of Scottish Porpoise under threat (2010?) – for your own copy of the report, please leave a comment with your co-ordinates on this post and we'll get back to you. Needless to say, we will not publish your details!]

PS by MPJ, your blogger:
See also 

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Using Sheep's Wool to Insulate Buildings

Sheep's wool is becoming a sought-after insulating material in the sustainable building trade. Here is an example from Guggisberg, a small village at an elevation of 1,115m/3,660ft in the hills about 45 minutes' drive south-west of Bern, the capital of Switzerland. Crofting life is tough in the Guggisberg area, which was a place of emigration until quite recently.

The article was written by Erwin Munter and originally appeared on 2 Nov. 2009 in the Berner Zeitung, one of the Swiss capital's two daily papers. It is available online in German, including a photo of father-and-son team, Gottfried and Ueli Mischler at work:
http://www.ee-news.ch/de/erneuerbare/article/19001/bauernhaus-mit-840-kilo-schafwolle-isoliert, accessed on 24 Oct 2010 (translation by Margret Powell-Joss | www.powelltrans.ch)


Berner Zeitung, 2 November 2009

Croft Insulated Using 840 Kilos (1,848 lb) of Sheep's Wool

Gottfried and Ueli Mischler from Guggisberg have insulated their completely refurbished croft using processed sheep's wool. They are in line with the trend.

In the beginning, the Mischlers were a bit wary about using sheep's wool to insulate the completely refurbished living quarters of their 300-year-old farmstead. But not for long: "Sheep's wool insulation initially looked to be more expensive than the more traditional fibreglass or rockwool," says 21-year-old Ueli Mischler. But when using sheep's wool there is no need for a vapour barrier, a thin layer to prevent air and moisture exchange. And costs are offset by the ease of installing the sheets of wool, which moreover pose no risk to the skin. What's more, the insulating wool has been sourced locally. "Many a sheep farmer will be glad not to have to throw away the wool they harvest twice a year," says Ueli Mischler. Hintermholz, his 20 hectare (50 acre) croft lies at the foot of Guggershörnli, 1,291 metres above sea level.*)

A Local Product

The supplier of the insulating material called Woolin is Guggisberg's own Otto Brechbühl. For years he has been campaigning energetically for a meaningful use of new wool. "If you compare sheep's wool to other insulating materials, it will win hands down every time," the 73-year-old states, saying that the natural product can absorb and release large quantities of water vapour, and that it does not become infested with parasites. Mice cannot build nests in it, nor will they eat it. It does have to be treated against moths. New sheep's wool is a living, breathing material. Provided it is installed properly. Young farmer Ueli Mischler has done his homework, researching the material and inspecting several buildings insulated with sheep's wool. Otto Brechbühl hopes that more architects and builders will use sheep's wool. The Guggisberg manufacturer is adamantly opposed to this valuable natural product ending up in refuse bins.

840 Kilos of Wool

To ensure adequate insulation and sound-proofing of the completely refurbished farm house required sheep's wool mats weighing some 840 kilos, plus a few kilos of loose wool to insulate inaccessible nooks and crannies. The father-and-son team began refurbishment work in May and did a significant portion themselves, including masonry and joinery work. The project has progressed well, meaning that the Mischlers can move into their new home by the end of this month.
Sheep's Wool – Active Despite the Crisis
Switzerland is home to some 450,000 sheep that each year produce 900 metric tons of wool, for which there has been no demand, meaning very low prices. About a third of the new wool is collected by refuse lorries. Marketing a product that is obtained twice yearly is barely worth the effort. One man who has been campaigning for years to make good use of new wool is 73-year-old Otto Brechbühl from Guggisberg. In 2008 he bought over 40 metric tons of shearings, which an Austrian company washed and carded for him. eml

See also
Low Energy House - Sheeps Wool Insulation - Sustainable Insulation at http://www.lowenergyhouse.com/sheeps-wool.html
Centre for Alternative Technology at
The British Wool Marketing Board at
all accessed on 24 Oct 2010.

*) Translator's note: The Guggershörnli is a steep-sided crag rising to 1,283 metres (4,210 ft). Walkers enjoy its easy accessibility – a 30-minute walk and short climb of sturdy wooden steps – to take in the unique views of the Alps, the Jura mountains and, on a clear day, the lakes of the Swiss Mittelland (see also http://www.myswitzerland.com/en/destinations/nature-travel-experiencing-nature/switzerland-parks/naturepark-activities/guggershoernli-360-panorama.html, accessed on 24 Oct 2010).

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Veggieworld: Why eating greens won't save the planet

Hiya all
Here's some food for thought, almost literally so.

Thank you to David Hitchin for sending in the New Scientist's cover story about the "veggieworld" by Bob Holmes (20 July 2010). For enlarged viewing, just click on the image.

Excerpt from http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20727691.200-veggieworld-why-eating-greens-wont-save-the-planet.html :

"IF YOU'RE a typical westerner, you ate nearly 100 kilograms of meat last year. This was almost certainly the costliest part of your diet, especially in environmental terms. The clamour for people to eat less meat to save the planet is growing ever louder. "Less meat = less heat", proclaimed Paul McCartney in the run-up to last December's conference on global warming in Copenhagen. "And this magazine recently recommended eating less meat as a way to reduce our environmental footprint.
If less is good, wouldn't none be better? You might think so. "In the developed world, the most effective way to reduce the environmental impact of diet, on a personal basis, is to become vegetarian or vegan," says Annette Pinner, chief executive of the Vegetarian Society in the UK.
"It seems like a no-brainer, but is it really that simple? […]"

(To read the whole article in greater comfort than here, you might want to sign up on the New Scientist website.)

Saturday, 15 May 2010

OLI Conference in Oban

Oban Lorn and The Isles Conference, 'Forward Together' – 15th May 2010

Hi there

I've just come back from a Community Consultation event at Oban High School fthat brought together 60 individuals attending out of their own personal interest but also representing various community groups, the Council and public institutions. The purpose was to find out what local services are needed in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area, and how the ever scarcer funding is to be allocated.
You may have seen the article announcing it in the Oban Times (6 May, p. 2).

Participants were given the opportunity to explore ideas in four different workshops:
i) Health & Wellbeing
ii) Transport
iii) Economic & Community Development
iv) Local Development (rural/island 'hubs'; Oban town centre)

In the final part, there was voting on two top priorities in each of the four thematic areas.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Young people receive hands-on education about solar energy

Hi folks
Here's something that Scotland and its government(s) could emulate -- just in from Greenpeace Switzerland (original in German, translation by yours truly):

Welcome to YouthSolarProject

In 1998 the JugendSolarProjekt (JSP – YouthSolarProject) of Greenpeace Switzerland began to embark on new approaches to environmental education. Guided by the catchphrase "Actions are better than words", we have involved young people in the installation of solar plants on top of public buildings and/or social institutions. So far, over 10,000 young people have helped to install over 175 solar plants.

Today, Greenpeace Switzerland's YouthSolarProject (JSP) proudly presents its biggest solar energy project so far. For the past two weeks, apprentices from all over Switzerland installed a photovoltaic plant in Melchnau BE. With a surface area of 1,885 sqm, it is currently the country's biggest rooftop installation.

The project clearly looks to the future of energy supplies. A roof no longer simply provides weather protection – it is a power plant that produces a great deal more energy than is required for the actual building itself. The photovoltaic installation in Melchnau will produce enough electricity for 65 households.

A Swissolar study has shown that simply by making consistent use of appropriate rooftops, one third of the electricity needs of Switzerland can be met by solar energy. The transition to renewable energy is not a technological issue – it is a political decision to stand firm against producers of energy that has a negative impact on our climate.

This is the mission of Greenpeace and its YouthSolarProject. The time is ripe. Technologies are available. Switzerland can afford to invest into sustainable energy supplies. Join us in the fight for a sunny future – please support our work and the energy revolution.

Doors open to the YouthSolarProject and the photovoltaic plant in Melchnau BE
on 29th and 30th May, 2010 – come and see us!